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Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Security and Democracy, Israeli style

"It's important that the Palestinians don't have any illusions that international pressure will bring about a change in Israel's position regarding security"
Ariel Sharon

The above quote is something to keep in mind when using the word "security" if it is Israel that is uttering it. A message Richard of the London-based Just Peace UK newsgroup kindly posted raises some interesting elements for reflection. He wrote:

"In case you haven't come across the Ariel Centre for Policy Research here's a taster. (I looked them up because one of their number will be joining Melanie Philips and Shlomo Ben-Ami in speaking against the motion Zionism today is the real enemy of the Jews. Speaking in favour will be Jacqueline Rose, Gideon Levy and Avi Shlaim.

It's 'about us' merely says:

---The Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR) was established in 1997 as a non-profit, non-partisan organization, committed to stimulating and informing the national and international debates concerning all aspects of security policy - notably those policies which are an outcome of the political process started in Oslo and subsequently called the Peace Process.

Peace is a noble challenge and there is no other nation in the world which needs peace more than Israel. However, a true peace can only be obtained in the Middle East if Israeli security and national interests are safeguarded. A peace which will force Israel to its pre-1967 borders, i.e. losing those territorial assets critically needed for the very existence of the Jewish State will not be but a recipe for war.

The ACPR has taken upon itself to help crystallize a strategic design for the State of Israel. This will be presented to the policy-makers and general public by various means. Among them, research and policy papers, forums of experts, video and film productions, an internet site, publishing house and a major journal of strategic thought.----"

And, here is the illuminating paper that Richard found.

Paul Eidelberg
Policy Paper No. 141, 2002
Executive Summary
"Democratizing Islam" shows that "Islamic fundamentalism" or "Islamism" is in fact authentic Islam - the Islam of Muhammad. To democratize Islam it will be necessary for the United States to conquer Iraq and other Islamic regimes and maintain an occupation force for two or three decades, as was done in post-war Japan and Germany.

A generation of Muslim children will have to be re-educated. Anti-Jewish and anti-Christian verses in the Qur`an should be neutralized by contrary verses and commentaries. The principle of Jihad must be eliminated from the four schools of Islamic law. Islamic regimes must abide by the Seven Noahide Laws of Universal Morality.

Non-Arab states should follow the example of Turkey and remove Arabic from public documents and public education and establish their native language as the only official language of the state. This will diminish pan-Arab as well as pan-Islamic sentiments.Various Islamic concepts such as "consultation" and "consensus" should be reinterpreted to prescribe a non-secular constitutional democracy. Civil society and political institutions must be developed to counter the authoritarian tendencies of Islamic culture. A market economy conducive to the formation of a middle class will hasten this development.

Decentralization of power is essential. In Islamic countries with large ethnic minorities, it will be necessary to establish a federal system of government based on territoriality. Bicameral legislatures should be established to protect minorities.

Israel can facilitate the democratization of Islam by adopting a model constitution based on Jewish principles. To be true to its heritage, Israel should avoid diplomatic relations with any evil regime. It should call for the expulsion from the UN of any state that violates the democratic provisions of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. By its behavior, Israel's government should set an example to mankind.

Encounter with Avi Shaim, Gideon Levy, Jacquline Rose, Shlomo Ben-Ami and Melanie Philips
Date: Tues 25th January 2005
Royal Geographical Society

1 Kensington Gore
London SW7 2AR
United Kingdom
Book online at or call the booking line 020 7494 3345.


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