
Thursday, June 16, 2005


Ray, Robyn, Erlenda

Taking a breather from the usual here just to express some feelings for three important people. I don't know any of them personally, but today, they have each touched my heart.

Ray Davies....... I love the Kinks. Totally. Take a listen to Preservation Act 2, one of the lesser known Kinks albums. It's famously "flawed", the story doesn't make any linear sense, and it was never really finished the way it was intended to be. It's got to be the slowburner of all time. I think it took me 20 years to really appreciate it, and now I love it. Listening to it today was cathartic. Here's a bit of the lyrics to Nobody Gives:

I can't understand why everybody's quarreling,
Nobody gives in case they lose face,
And everybody's guilty and everybody's innocent,
And the fact of it is nobody gives any more.
It's the same throughout all history,
Nobody gives unless they receive,
And nobody trusts or is willing to believe
And nobody gives or is willing to concede.

Back in nineteen hundred and twenty-five
There were thousands of people struggling to survive.
There was hunger, unemployment and poverty,
Then in 1926 they decided to be free
So they all went on strike and
The workers told the unions, who blamed it on the government,
The politicians blamed it on the strikers and the militants,
Everybody's guilty and everybody's innocent,
But the fact of it is nobody gives any more.

Robyn, as in Hitchcock. Today I anticipated Summer by a few days. Moss Elixir has always been the official welcome to my favourite season. Sitting on my terrace, looking at the swallows swoop around for insects, and listening to that album are my hommage to the Summer Solstice. This is from a psychedelic folk song, The Speed of Things:

All in the terror of the moment
That pounces as it open swings
A line of dots illuminated
For I have seen the speed of things

I fed you in your chair this morning
You made a mess of everything
By afternoon, you drove a sports car
You were driving at the speed of things

You held my hand when I was crying
You were allergic to bee stings
I threw some earth onto your coffin
And thought about the speed of things

I kissed you by the clear, cold river
I felt like I was growing wings
But I grew horns and found another
Oh, a girl to share the speed of things
Oh, a girl to share the speed of things

All in the terror of the moment
That pounces as it open swings
A line of dots illuminated
For I have seen the speed of things

Erlenda.... she's one of my favourite bloggers, an amazing writer and person. In her family there has just been a terribly tragic death of a child, and in A Screamer in the Matrix, she shares her feelings. Ti bacio affettuosamente, amica mia.


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