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Monday, November 13, 2006


Peacepalestine: Second year and still going!

Wow! Already two years this blog has been around!!!

I want to say a few words here of appreciation to all the people who helped me out in so many ways. First and foremost, the biggest thanks go out to my two dearest friends and pillars, Nancy and Gilad. They are more than friends, they are my sister and my brother. Two people who are more dedicated, committed, talented, generous and intelligent are nearly impossible to find, and to boot, no one knows how to make me laugh the way they do.

So many other people have helped make Peacepalestine possible. I will try to name most of them, and when others come to mind, I will edit them in. There are really SO many people who contribute with letters, articles, ideas, artwork and commentary. HUGE thanks go out to the TLAXCALA Collective of translators, especially to the Motor, wonderful Manuel and to the Hurricane, Fausto. Their energy is mind-shattering, and their personalities are precious. All the other Tlaxcalans deserve a huge thanks for the amazing work they do for free and all the dedication to the causes that we cited in our manifesto, that are part of our political idea of POWER TO THE PEOPLE. We are now around seventy members, and for something that has just been in existence for a year, I'd say we have really created something special. Thanks to Davide, Miguel (extra size thanks as usual to Miguel), Miru, Marcel, Juan, Juan K, Gianluca, Hergen, Ernesto, Barbara, Nadia, Ulises, Kristoffer, Frigga, Toni, Gorka, Mauro, Ahmed, Xavier, Maria, Andrew, Carlos, Eva, Ron, James, Chelo, Antonia, Antonio, Guillermo, Paz, Andrea, Agatha, Giampiero, Rocio, Angela, Valerio, Javier and all the others who are part of it .

Massive thanks to my brother Zaki. Without Jeff Blankfort, I don't know how I would keep up with the literature coming from the US. Jeff is a legend to me. Special thanks to my friends Paul E, Deb (Persephone), Joe K, Joe D, Rod, Marilyn, David, Remi, Abdullah, Ariella, Susanne, everyone at Al-Awda for support, advice, friendship. Enormous thanks to Diego, one in a million. Thanks to Haitham, Shaden, Mustapha, Ben (double thanks!) Annie, Leila, Akram, Steve, Scott, Bev, all the bloggers who do so much and have been friends to boot.

Thank you will never be sufficient to Paola at Uruknet, truly the most important site on the net.

Les at Axis of Logic is a treasure. Ragnar at The People's Voice is a rare soul. Thanks to all the sites that have picked up my articles, especially Tom at Information Clearing House. Thanks to Peter, Paul C, Alan, Sandy, Leigh Ann, Dorothy, Eldad, Lana, Samia, Yaron, Seth, Ramzy, Daniel and Dena, Jean Marie, Alan, Hana, Avigdor, Erlenda, Karma, Giulietto, Simon, Ahmed, Jamal, Omar, Moha, Mahmoud, Sherif, Christian, Enrico, Angie, Silvia, Mordechai, Santiago, Mohammed, Abu Ali, James, Ed, Gennaro, Nahida, Eric, Amir, Ramzy, Mazin, Israel, Bill, Marcy, Helen, Moreno, Lenni, Noah, Cheryl, Kirsty, Claudio, Enrico, Daniel, Edward, Fawaz, Saddam (no, not that one), Ghali, Frank, Hamza, Husain, Jesus, Khaled, Lasse, Lev, Mira, Nihal, Paul D, Raj, Theodore, Akiva, Reuven, Nathan, Gabriella, Ilan, ZeZè, Bob, "quelli di Fucecchio", people on the various mailing lists and discussion groups that I have come to know and appreciate, my entire family and all my friends who give me so much and ask for so little. Some of them don't totally approve of all of this, but they are my beloved people.

Thanks to some of the regulars here, you know who you are! It wouldn't be the same without you!!!

Long Live Palestine. Long Live the Palestinian People.


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