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Thursday, April 5, 2007


Zionists Uprooting 1,000 Palestinians from Jerusalem (Al-Quds)

The Zionist enemy is trying to complete the Judaization of Al-Quds by forcing out its owners through stealing more Palestinian Arab property…

Israel repeats its old claims:
Uprooting 1,000 Palestinians from Jerusalem (Al-Quds)
By Amjad Samhan (Ramallah)
April 3rd 2007
Translated By: Adib S. Kawar

One hundred Palestinian Arab families from Assalam (Peace), on the outskirts of occupied Al-Quds, received evacuation orders, and were “given” 14 days to evacuate their homes. The occupation authority claimed that the houses are built on land owned by the heirs of a dead Jewish woman called Rachel Filibine.

Eyewitnesses said that tens of policemen, members of what is known as border guards, officers and intelligence men, stormed into the residents’ apartments and handed them evacuation orders signed by the lawyer of the heirs of Rachel, which said that they have evidence that 80% of the land on which buildings are built on is owned by the heirs… If the orders of evacuation are executed, about a thousand Palestinian Arabs shall be made homeless.

It is not known what will be the fate of the Arab buildings that the order demands to be evacuated, but the officer in charge of the Al-Quds file, Muhammad Abed Rabo, pointed out that the case could be solved by changing the owners to tenants, which is not likely to be allowed, because the aim of the attack is to uproot the Arabs of Al-Quds fully from their capital. The second possibility is to immediately uproot the Jerusalemite Arabs, and demolish their buildings, which will then be replaced by a Zionist colony, “especially since the occupation authorities and extremist religious Zionist groups support the second choice. The presence of the Arab homes stands in the way of completing the connection of the colonies surrounding Al-Quds, namely Bazjat, Zaif, Maali Adomin, the French Hill and Nave Yacoub to the city.”

Abed Rabo said, “This plan aims at completing the big project known as ‘Greater Jewish Jerusalem’, which means, to complete the Judaization of Al-Quds, and isolate its Arabs, and strengthen the control of it, if not the suffocation Arab Jerusalemites”. He added that “80% of the project has already been fulfilled.”

One of the Palestinian Arab inhabitants that received an evacuation order, Nidal Aiash said, “The moment I received the evacuation order, I almost wept… Where shall I go with my family, I am ready to pay any amount they ask for; just so that I don’t leave this place… my home and city.”

Abu Aiash, a father of two said, “I paid US $60,000 to buy this apartment, and I never thought that everything I saved in my life is going to be lost for nothing, just like this… We have a lawyer who will follow our just case.” He pointed out that the evacuation orders were not accompanied by a court order, but to have all of these forces that accompanied the Zionist lawyer proves that the matter is almost certainly ‘precooked’.”

Another tenant, Mahmoud Sarandah, told Assafir newspaper that he also received a copy of the order and said, “What proves my ownership of the land is that I bought it from well known people. We shall raise a court case to prove that we own the land, and if they have anything to prove the contrary let them present it before the court.”

The owner of the project, Abdullah Azziz Al-Qam, told Assafir that he has what proves his ownership of the land, which he also purchased from well known people. We shall raise a case to the court to prove what we say, and if they have anything to prove the contrary, they are welcome to do so. I believe that they shall not be able to evacuate us from our homes, all they aim at is to put pressure on us, to terrorize and disturb us. He added, “I am carrying out big building projects in Al-Quds for nationalistic purposes, I sell the apartments for symbolic prices for the purpose of keeping my people from leaving their Al-Quds.”

It ought to be pointed out that just before this new Zionist project was declared, the occupation authorities confiscated Palestinian Arab owned homes in occupied Al-Quds, claiming that the land on which they are built is owned by “Israelis”. In Sheikh Jarrah, in occupied Al-Quds, the owners were changed to renters, when a colonizing group “proved” that the land is government owned, as if any such occupation authority sits and waits for somebody to prove its ownership of a certain property!!!
Translated from Arabic by Adib S Kawar and revised by Mary Rizzo for Tlaxcala

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