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Friday, April 15, 2005


counter-kidnapping during Beslan kidnapping

The other day, a national newspaper, La Repubblica, published an article in its Friday Supplement "Il Venerdì della Repubblica" an article which left me in a state of shock. Not that I couldn't imagine what the Chechyna situation was like, but it published the account of Enrico Piovesana who discloses that during the seige of Beslan, Russian soldiers held two hundred innocent Chechynan civilians hostage in a military base. They were forced to never disclose this as well. So far, the article has not yet been translated into English, but it seems as if they have many articles translated into English, and it might just be a question of days before this appears in English on the site Peace Reporter. In the meantime, I am placing a link to another one of their articles on the practice of arresting and torturing Chechynan civilians. here.

Chechnya - 08.4.2005
Kidnapping for Profit
Third in a series of reports from the Chechen Republic

Before returning to work, Lida tells us, “Ninety per cent of the male population of Chechnya has been tortured, and since the Dubrovka Theatre and the Beslan School terrorist attacks, the soldiers have been kidnapping and raping women too.”


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