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Friday, March 9, 2007


Free Daniele Mastrogiacomo!! Journalist Kidnapped in Afghanistan

We kindly ask you to sign our appeal for Mastrogiacomo's release. We also ask for your help to make this appeal known to as many people as possible. You may help us by sending Daniele's picture, together with the message, to your friends and acquaintances all over the world, and also to public authorities, governments and international media. You can also download Daniele's picture together with the appeal in Arabic or English language and use it as a poster or screen saver to be on display until Daniele is safe home again. (click on the image to widen and print/send/download it)
back to the italian version to sign the appeal


….The thing that would hurt him most if he could know what is being said would be these rumours according to which he’s thought to be in Afghanistan due to different reasons….Daniele is a person who is entirely devoted to his job and rather than living by his job, he lives for it, that’s the reason why he has left and this is his identity today….these are the reasons that have led him to Kabul , as many other times, these are the reasons that have spurred him to go from Kabul to Khandahar , since the rules of his job, the reasons of his job, made him think that he had an important reportage to do…..that is what he told his newspaper and these are the reasons why he left.

I’m convinced, and I repeated it other times, that Daniele, at the moment, knows how to explain the reasons of his journalism, he’s perfectly able to make clear what is the desire to understand and the will to know and explain and to make others understand, even the Talibans’ reality that he went to investigate.

The only important thing now is to bring Daniele back home, back to his wife, his children, his family and take him back to “La Repubblica” family.

We hope a reliable channel can be found, one through which all the forces may take action in order to achieve a reasonable negotiation that may as soon as possible bring Daniele back to his family and his job, that’s what he would want. Today.
Thank you all. (translated from Italian by Diego Traversa)
Liberate Daniele Mastrogiacomo
Una foto del nostro inviato Daniele Mastrogiacomo e un brevissimo appello in inglese e in arabo affinché tutti sappiano che il giornalista italiano deve essere lasciato libero. Poche parole: “Liberatelo, è un giornalista”. Perché Daniele è andato in Afghanistan a svolgere il suo lavoro di giornalista, di reporter che cerca le notizie e racconta. Per questo vi chiediamo un firma per la liberazione di Mastrogiacomo. Ma vi chiediamo anche, se volete, di diffondere questo semplice messaggio. Potete farlo inviando la sua foto e l’appello in inglese o in arabo a vostri amici o conoscenti in qualunque parte del mondo, ai governi, ai giornalisti, alle televisioni dei paesi arabi. Oppure potete scaricarlo, farne un poster, un manifesto, uno screen saver da utilizzare finché Daniele non tornerà a casa. (clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla e stamparla/salvarla/inviarla) English version Vai alle firme raccolte / Go to signatures

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