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Monday, October 31, 2005


Recognise Israel (as a Jewish State) or else...

from London's Al-Hilal newsletter, 30 October

Aid for earthquake victims is conditional on Pakistan maintaining relations with the Zionist State to pave the way for recognising it.

Western Europe has ganged up with America on this issue. Heavy Anglo-American pressure forcing Musharraf to send Pakistan delegation to visit Israel.

After getting Pakistan's recognition, smaller, poorer Muslim states who are dependent on Western loans for their survival would be ordered to recognise the Zionists’ entity:
Sheer blackmail and all in the name of “demo-crazy”!

JERUSALEM (AFP) - A 200-member delegation of Pakistani officials and businessmen is to visit Israel in early November, in a bid to bring closer the two countries which have no diplomatic relations, Israeli military radio said. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom are to receive the Pakistani delegation of retired generals, religious leaders, politicians and business people, radio said, though there was no official confirmation.

Relations between the second most populous Muslim country and the Jewish state were hostile for decades, but began to warm up after Israel offered aid to Pakistan following this month’s devastating earthquake. Prior to the earthquake, in a highly publicised sign of cordiality, President Pervez Musharraf and Sharon shook hands on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York in mid-September. Two weeks earlier, the two countries’ foreign ministers met in Istanbul in the first-ever high level encounter.

Pakistan had “decided to engage with Israel,” its foreign minister said then, because Israel’s pullout of settlers and troops from the Gaza Strip constituted a turning point for the establishment of a Palestinian state. Israel currently has full diplomatic relations with only three Arab states - Mauritania, Egypt and Jordan - and a handful of Muslim majority states including Turkey.


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