Friday, April 20, 2007
Thinking Blogger Awards

First off, this award requires the chosen blogger to select five bloggers that make us think. Since I got two noms, I will take my ten choices! (since it’s not being monitored by anyone, I believe I can!) One of the choices is divided in three parts, since I consider Italian blogging a different thing altogether, and the public is different.
I was nominated by the blog that I consider one of the greatest, Umkahlil. I adore the blog and its author (so of course, this blog is beyond the category. I consider it my sister blog). I was also nominated by Crazy Composer, whose blog I’ve recently discovered. I like his humour, openness, talent and honesty.
So, in no particular order:
1) Michael in Australia gets one for his two out of this world blogs – Dishonest Reporting and Israel Forum Watch. He deconstructs the racist talk of the people who participate in a Zionist forum and a Zionist Media Watchdog in his blogs. BRILLIANT!
2) Erlenda in Iceland has also got two great blogs, Peace by Truth and Screamer in the Matrix. She is what I would call a deep thinker. She is unique in this world.
3) Wake up from your Slumber is a blog that is also an aggregator. I really like it and have no idea who does it. It is one of the American blogs I follow.
4) Ben Heine is a brilliant cartoonist from Belgium and friend who collaborates with Tlaxcala and whenever I ask him to illustrate something, he comes up with the goods. His work is getting so widely disseminated, it’s almost not necessary to check in on his blog. Yet, when I do, I am always surprised by something special and interesting!
5) French blogger, and another good friend who collaborates with Tlaxcala (that word "collaborates" is an understatement… he gives a pint of blood a day to it!) is Fausto, better known to me as Hurricane, who has a few blogs that reflect his multiform personality. Basta! Which is a French version (more or less, but with a much wider range of topics) of Peacepalestine, and a satirical and poetic blog that he has asked me to keep anonymous, but some might be able to find it, and Chronique de Guantanamo. Not to mention his contributions to Quibla, the Francophone site on the world of Islam and beyond, and who knows what else he has! How can one simply not admire a person who speaks so many languages and is active and creative in so many things? We’ve had a lot of fights, Fausto and I, but we always get over it, just like some old married couple. But I think our admiration for one another and our fundamental pacific personalities make us chuckle at those storms once they are past. And, no one else in the world can start an email to me in Italian, do the middle section in French and end in English. He runs through languages like breathing.
6) Italian bloggers are important to me, and I have to list the three who are friends and whose blogs are state of the art and brilliant to the point of tears. Miguel Martinez is a very dear friend who is involved in a lot of the same projects as I am, Tlaxcala and Al-Awda to name two – but, besides that, I consider him one of Italy’s foremost thinkers. His blog is Kelebek, and if there is something important on the national or international scene, he has an original and penetrating reflection on it. Mirumir is another dear friend (and Tlaxcalian) whose blog is sometimes so funny, but usually very informative, and her readers are really cool. Salam(e)lik (formerly Sharif’s blog) is a top blog in every way. Great illustrator, great writer, and very very on top of things.
7) Gilad turned me on to Outside the Gates by Les in th e UK. A really great person, whose posts are almost too rich and full of thought! Maybe that’s why he doesn’t update as much as I’d like!
8) And Dena, in the US had one of the most entertaining blogs ever, Twisted Tongues. It’s about life as a translator, and as a translator, I can tell you that it was a playground. OH, how I wish she would update it!!!! I really miss it. You don’t need to be a translator, though, to get something from that blog.
9) Stan Goff’s Feral Scholar talks about Gender politics and militarism like no other. I haven’t visited it as much as I used to, but when I do, I usually have to stop navigating and reflect for a while.
10) The last one is the nostalgic choice. When I first started blogging, this blog was IT. It was my inspiration. It hasn’t been updated much, so I stopped checking in, but it looks like it’s getting back on track there…. Under the Same Sun. The first blog I really liked!
So, tagged bloggers… you now have to do this same game! Rules from The Crazy Composer:
The “rules” regarding the “tagging” and propagation of this award.For those of you who have been tagged, should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are honouring (tagging): I am including here, as part of this post, along with the meme. (what’s a meme?? PePa)
The participation rules are quite simple:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (there is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).
Now my do I contact these blogs and let them know???? ahah, life as a blogger is tough!
Labels: good news, journalism