Today is a slight diversion from the usual post.... I would like to highlight a wonderful blog that celebrates the best of Africa, its music, its genial people and its vitality. Szavanna blog is worth a visit. Read, enjoy and check out the great videos the charming and creative webmaster finds for our pleasure.
The African Blog Carnival is also a wonderful place to visit, and it seeks contributions for the next issue, coming up soon.
Misc: Yes, Tlaxcala had some technical difficulties, but it is back online, and at the start of the coming week will have dozens of new articles in many languages to check out. Some good stuff there, things you simply can't find anywhere else (unless you read ten languages.) We find and translate it for you!! We always seek dedicated volunteers to join us, as translators or revisors or (usually) both.
Comments on this blog: Yes. I took the comments down, because there were a few spammers and people with psychological problems who were using it to vent their disturbed minds by harassing, threatening and insulting others here and especially they were using the nicknames of others to hurt those they disagreed with, which is worse than infantile. I got about 15 requests to put the comments back up, but if people want to comment, they now must sign up for the Peacepalestine Forum, where users are moderated and those who abuse the forum will not be allowed to continue. Yes, I know that the signup is in Italian, but the procedure is quite simple, and there is also a post on this blog with instructions if people have difficulty. Everyone is welcome, as long as they respect the others. It will take just one or two minutes to register, so anyone missing the banter here, which will probably not reappear for some time, will have to get used to going to another page for it. I tried to find a compromise, and Blogger and Haloscan do not guarantee real time security of Identities, so this was the only choice I had. Labels: activism, Africa, friends, good news, journalism, Tlaxcala
# posted by thecutter @ 18:33